Flashing image on Raspberry Pi 3 model B

Before you begin flashing, you will need the following items in addition to your Raspberry Pi:

  • Micro-USB cable
  • Ethernet cable
  • MicroSD card reader
  • 8 GB or larger microSD card

Optional items:

  • HDMI cable
  • HDMI-enabled display

Follow steps on Flash Android Things on Raspberry Pi 3.

Start Android Things and configure network

After flashing image on SD card. plug SD card into Raspberry Pi 3, Connect a USB cable to J1 for power. (Don not use PC usb power, use 220V adapter.)

When Android Things system launcher started, you can configure its Network.

Connect it with adb

Let PC connect to same network as Raspberry Pi 3, Use adb connect <Raspberry IP>, you can found device with adb devices.

How to set time of Raspberry Pi 3

  • adb root
  • adb shell settings put global ntp_server ntp1.aliyun.com
  • adb shell setprop persist.sys.timezone “Asia/Shanghai”
  • adb reboot

Develop an APP

Create an Android Things App with Android studio.

Open AndroidManifest.xml, change <category android:name="android.intent.category.IOT_LAUNCHER" /> to <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" /> which makes the app auto-start after reboot.

Install app to Raspberry 3 with Android Studio or adb.

How to quit current APP? Connect the Raspberry Pi 3 with a keyboard, type ESC frequently, current APP would quit.

How to start an APP

Use adb command:

adb shell am start -n {packageName}/{fullActivityName (with its package)}

How to get screenshot:

adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/image.png


You do not have settings on Android Things which let you change the permissions of an APP. But you can grant permissions through adb:

adb shell pm grant {packageName} android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE


Android Things on Raspberry Pi 3